Thursday, December 11, 2008

sooooo cold!

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My lawd, it is frickin cold here today!
We have actually had some snow around the coast....I just have had sleet at my home.
Tomorrow, it could be 80 degrees, ya just never know what to expect. I sure hope the cold stays around for Christmas. Something about seeing people in shorts on Christmas, just kinda kills the whole holly-jolly feeling.

I would like to get all of my closet spaces cleaned out this weekend, but that is just one of those chores that I just seem to put off. The girls are going to switch bedroom furniture. Alicia is not happy about this, but her bedroom furniture is just too big for her room. I think she will be happy, once it is done and she sees just how much more room she has.

She came home yesterday with a form to fill out for the beauty and beau pagent the first of January. She has not participated in them at school before and I am really gonna be stressing over the cha ching it is going to take to be in the pagent. Christmas is just a couple weeks before, I mean DAMN!

Speaking of Christmas....I am going to start my shopping tomorrow. It just amazes me that some people are finished with all their shopping. I am usually shopping up until Christmas eve. The girls have been warned to finish their list up, because once I take it, nothing else will be allowed to be put on it. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Grown Up Christmas List....

I am reading journals and trying to leave comments....though I am not really doing that great of a job at the comment part as I would like. Do y'all get like that? Like you just can't put nothing out there? I am chalking my lack of response to my sinus troubles, as they have me a lil more brain twisted than normal.

Anyways, I saw over at Heather blog that she did a grown up Christmas list...that she got from Missy's is a passer down thing. So here goes.

1. lots of wine for my new wine rack.....pretty bottles is a necessary as the wine*
2. A big azz diamond ring.....
3. A stainless steel panini griddler thingy
4. Big round wine glasses with suppa skinny stems
5. Vera Wang by Vera Wang perfume/body lotion
6. A new spice rack.....loaded with good spices(not that cheap crap)
7. Candles
8. soft cozy socks
9. Coach Wallet
10. all kinds of purrty smellin lotions....again, not any drug store cheap crap!!!

What is on your list?????? Share people!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What a start to my day.....

I woke up this morning......after going to bed at, not quite 9pm last night(I felt just down and out)
Tom was banging at the front door lol
I had not looked at the calander and even realised that it was time for that, but it would explain the over indulgence at Thanksgiving. Now that I think about it, I think I did look and realize that it was gonna be that time. I dunno', I guess I was/am having one of those senior moments. hehehe

I thought I was just in my down mood last night because of some things that happened yesterday morning to make me sad and worried for, yeah, I am just pissed about it all. It is their life, they know what they are doing to themself and they are the only one that can decide to make a change. NOT ME(I have to keep telling myself this....daily)

I had to run to the ole Wal Mart and get TOM supplies, as I was not properly prepared for the visit. I wish I would of gotten some hair color, because I have so many damn gray scragglers popping out. Horrible! I did manage to get some stuff for a big salad for supper and even picked up a pack of navy beans. I love beans and have not had homemade beans in like forever. I thought I would throw in my ham bone, that I put in the freezer from Thanksgiving.

I am gonna try and post a video that my girls made.....It is freakin hillarious! I tell ya, they keep us in stitches. I tried to post it once, but it said something was wrong with it not being closed or summin like that. If I can't get it posted myself, I will have them post it. It is a bit slow at the begining, but it picks up andWhat's in my purse (mocking YouTubers)
gets funnier and funnier.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Where did I go wrong...oh let me count the ways

Well, ya see, what had happened is lol
I shall never ever be able to be in the same room with my homemade cornbread dressing and stay on track with a healthy diet. NO way, NO HOW!
That, "I am only gonna have one plate at dinner and NO leftovers....ummhumm, yeah, that did not pan out. I just finished eating Thanksgiving scraps Sunday and that is only because that was the end of em. I am sad, I know, but I know I can't be alone. Right? hehehe

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day. I have not been on blogger and will be playing catch up with your journals.

I just got a call from Alicia and so I have to make this short....because I forgot about picking up supplies for a project she is working on. So, gotta run do that now. Damnit! And I thought I could just veg out in my pj's.

Look forward to hearing about overeating.....lawd, let me not be alone. hehehe

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My gettyup, it got up and got outta here

I am struggling with the healthy eating the past few days.....I do believe it is just TOM, but whatever it is, it is pissing me off. I just have no willpower it seems.
I know from experience that if I allow myself to fall into old habbits, I will be back at the starting gate again and that aint happening!

Today,I caught some of Oprah with Dr.OZ and they were talking about living longer and were showing some elderly people...hell, these people were ten days older than dirt! Yet, they were living life to the fullest. One of the things I saw in all of them was the fact that they were all active.
I think these people were inspirational and something to learn from.

This week and having Thanksgiving dinner is gonna be a trying time for me, but I am determined that I will NOT over indulge. Well, that is the plan anyways. lol

Without even second guessing it, I know I have to get my butt on that treadmill and MOVE, I just soooooo don't wanna.

Well, that is all that is going on in my lil world.....hehehe

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The test don't lie....

Me and Scott had our cholesterol and blood sugar tested this weekend. This is something that I have been wanting to do, just to know that everything is alright and that all this healthy eating has really benefited me. IT DID!
My test results came back PERFECT! Not one bit elevated.
Scott, he is back on the cholesterol meds, but was able to get a different script that he can get at a big big discount.

The girls are out this whole week for the Thanksgiving holidays......I don't recall them getting a whole week off before, but whatevah. I was able to get them in for their 6mth dental prophy and exam during this time, so they do not have to miss any school. Speaking of school, Alicia was approached by a teacher, who is the leader of the schools debate team, she asked Alicia if she would be interested in joining....she said she thought that Alicia would be a great asset to the team. I am so proud of her.

I have a bunch of catching up to do with everyones journals, but I also have so much to get done, in preparation for Thanksgiving dinner. I have not went grocery shopping for the stuff and am dreading it. I went into Wal Mart for pet food and it was so damn packed that I almost could not get a parking spot. Crazy!

I hope that each one of ya'll have a great day with your families and realize how much we all have to be thankful for.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

say a prayer

I have had a fellow blogger on my mind today, since she posted an entry on her blog.
Those of you who know Dutch and read her blog, my ups and downs of everyday life, know she posted some health problems that she was diagnosed with today.
Dutch is a sweet lady, who I am in awe of.....she has this way of growing veggies that I have only been able to wish for.
I am reaching out to all that read this to say a prayer for her and for the doctors that will be treating her.
I believe in the power of prayer.