My lawd, it is frickin cold here today!
We have actually had some snow around the coast....I just have had sleet at my home.
Tomorrow, it could be 80 degrees, ya just never know what to expect. I sure hope the cold stays around for Christmas. Something about seeing people in shorts on Christmas, just kinda kills the whole holly-jolly feeling.
I would like to get all of my closet spaces cleaned out this weekend, but that is just one of those chores that I just seem to put off. The girls are going to switch bedroom furniture. Alicia is not happy about this, but her bedroom furniture is just too big for her room. I think she will be happy, once it is done and she sees just how much more room she has.
She came home yesterday with a form to fill out for the beauty and beau pagent the first of January. She has not participated in them at school before and I am really gonna be stressing over the cha ching it is going to take to be in the pagent. Christmas is just a couple weeks before, I mean DAMN!
Speaking of Christmas....I am going to start my shopping tomorrow. It just amazes me that some people are finished with all their shopping. I am usually shopping up until Christmas eve. The girls have been warned to finish their list up, because once I take it, nothing else will be allowed to be put on it.