Tuesday, October 14, 2008

maybe adding a private blog

HMMMMM! just thinking that I may need to do a private blog....along the lines of my Southern Comfort blog, where I can vent on the happenings of the hood. lol
A lot of things have happened and are happening now that I have not vented about.
Just maybe.....


Emmi said...

if you go private ... don't forget to add me.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Going private is always a way to be able to say what's on your mind without worrying who's going to read it. If you do, may I please be included. Thanks hon! (Hugs)Indigo

Tina of Moon Shine said...

i want to see this blog! I have been wondering about your 'hood. so let's hear about it!!!!

Jeanne said...

Please count me in!!


Myra said...

I still haven't told my family that I made the switch to Blogger, and I'm not going to! I want to be able to vent...about them most likely!