Monday, October 27, 2008

being sick....

The weather is sooooo cold and windy here today. I am ill, so it is a good day to grab a book and not do anything.
I have been trying to catch up on journals.....when you miss a couple days, you really get behind.
I ended up getting the cell phone thing taken care of this weekend and the phones should be arriving today. After all the searching and talking to CS, I still believe they have my account fugged up. I have gotten like 10 emails about my account and none of them show a change. Whatevah.
Today is NOT the day that I want to deal with more confusion ya know.


Myra said...

Its getting on that time where germs run rampant and illness abounds! I hate being sick (who does?), but as I get older, I just have no time for it! Hope you feel better!

Emmi said...

It's very windy here today too. My feet feel like ice cubes & I'm wearing sweats to keep warm. GLOBAL WARMING is upon us. he he he