Thursday, November 6, 2008

Can't get warm....

I don't know what is going on with me. I have always been one to need a blanket and socks in the winter(or when the a/c is on lol), but lately, I have been really, really cold. Last night, I was trying to stretch out on the front living room couch and read, while Scott was online playing poker and after a short while, I had to just go get under the electric blanket in the bed, which I set at high. I live in the deep South and it is in the darn high 70's and low 80's, so even I know this is a bit off*
On top of that.....I am not sleeping well. I am tossing and turning. That is what I do when I have things on my mind and believe me, I have things on my mind. Once again though, it is things with people in my family that I have NO control over, but seem to seep into my life. I am a born worry wart. I am just waiting for the phone calls for help to roll in. And of course, it would be the holiday's rolling around. Loverly!

Yesterday, I expected the girls to come in and give me all the hoopla that took place at school, since the election of Obama. NOTHING! It was a normal day. I can't tell you how comforting that was. I guess we are prolly all just a lil politically hungover.

How many days, till the weekend is officially here? hehehehe


Estela said...

I haven't been sleeping my typical time periods this week. I blame it on the resetting of the clocks. :)

Dutch said...

I was like that the other day. I put on my winter pj's and put 2 blankets on me. I think it was just a 24 hour bug because the next day I was fine. I hope you feel warm soon. How about a hot tea with some brandy. LOL

*Tracy* said...

i no what you mean girl i worry alot and family stress me out. only call when they want something and this is the starting of the time of year for that! get scott to warm you up! lol no really dont no what would make you be cold all the time here latley. have a good day. hugs

Emmi said...

I'm ALWAYS cold too. Even in the summer time I have a blanket thrown over me, toe socks on, etc. I keep my house at 82 degrees in the summer! I've been told it's poor circulation ... who knows!

Happy Being Me said...

My problem is menopause - Hot and miserable one minute, under the electric blanket or taking a hot shower the next. I wish mine was seasonal. Hoping your week is treating you well. Take care,

Tina of Moon Shine said...

I do the same thing with being cold. I love to have the room cool and I have a blanket while I read, but, when it gets to the point that no matter what I do, I can't get warm, I wonder what is going on with me. lol.
glad things were calm at school. I think there are some people that think they will be able to do what they want now, and that they will quickly learn they can't. glad that wasn't the case at school
take care

Rose said...

I know exactly what you mean! Mrs. H told me that she worries too and she's 95! Her mom told her that what ever you worry about never comes true that's why she worries so it won't come true!

Linda said...

Hey Girl! I'm just stopping by to say hi since I got back. I was not happy with the election results at all. I kept waiting for people to wake up and see through the illusion that had been created, but they were all too hypnotized by the sell. I just saw an article that said that on late night talk shows and Talk news shows, there were 586 negative comments or jokes about McCain/Palin Vs 43 about Obama/Biden. Fair press coverage? The media sold a package and everyone bought it because of the financial crisis & war. Well, becareful what you wish for. It's done now and I will support him once he takes office, I fully believe a country must stand behind their leader in the face of other countries and especially while we are at war. My prayers will be going to that Oval office just as they have for President Bush, and I will not bash him. But I will remain frightened, not hopeful.

Pooh Hugs,